Precision Means
Safe Garage Door
As an essential service provider, we continue to offer our full range of services, including garage door and opener repair, replacement, and installation.
While times are uncertain, we understand that a functioning garage door is still a necessity for many homeowners. Whether you want to keep your car in a safe space, need to get out of your house quickly, or suddenly have the free time to address any garage door issues, we’re on-call to help.
How Is Precision Ensuring Safe Garage Door Service During the Coronavirus Outbreak?
We understand that many of our customers are elderly, have pre-existing conditions, or are otherwise highly vulnerable to the threat of coronavirus.
To keep you safe, we’re practicing strict precautionary measures. Our techs are instructed to be extremely vigilant about safe distances, sanitary practices, and providing mindful service during the COVID-19 outbreak. Here are a few key steps they are taking:
- Limit their visit to the garage only. If you would like to be in the garage during service, they will maintain a safe distance throughout their visit.
- Wear masks at all times and minimize unnecessary contact with objects and surfaces in and around the garage.
- Disinfect the wall button, keypad, release handle and anything else that you might access after their visit.
- Call from your driveway and ask if you prefer to let them in remotely. Your tech can communicate via phone throughout their visit if preferred.
- Techs can take payments over the phone if you’d like to have no in-person contact, and invoices can be delivered electronically.
Keeping Employees Safe
In an abundance of caution, we are working to keep our employees apart from each other and limiting interaction.
- Employees who can work from home will be doing so for the foreseeable future.
- Employees who do not have a need to be in the office will have access to only the warehouse in order to limit contact.
- We have asked our technicians not to congregate together during or after work.
We do this so that we can safely keep as many employees as possible working and serving our community.
We will continue to monitor and abide by the CDC Guidelines and will adapt as things change. Our customers and employees come first, and we’ll do whatever is necessary to ride out the coronavirus outbreak while providing safe service to our community.
We Made The Resilient Hickory Pledge
As we reopen our doors or begin offering expanded service, my staff and I are committed to acting in accordance with the recommendations of the public health authorities to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Following guidelines provided by the CDC and DHEC,
I hereby declare that we will take the following steps:
- Monitor the health of our employees
- Clean high touch areas frequently
- Encourage the use of face coverings and promote regular hand washing
- Limit the number of people, both inside our building and in our outdoor spaces (if applicable)
- Promote social distancing at all times to include the public right of way adjacent to our business
See all of the businesses that have made the pledge here.
Chad Aspinwall – President, Precision Garage Doors
How would you like us to handle your service?
Please let us know if there are any additional precautions we can take to ensure your safety and comfort. The coronavirus is serious, and getting your garage door serviced should not add stress or endanger your health.
Give us a call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get started on your project! When you schedule an appointment with Precision, our trucks arrive fully stocked so most repairs can be completed in one visit, and most calls can be set up for same-day service.